Carers Information Day” at Norwich Forum

Monday 9th October 2023 – 9.00 am – 3.00 pm

We call it a “Carers Information Day”, but all our “Carers Information Days” are designed to help carers, the cared for, ex-carers, older people, the lonely, and the vulnerable, in fact, anyone.

If you would like to take part, please fill our “Event Registration Document 2023” for table space.

Although the Forum is a big place, we can only provide for so many tables, for that reason, if you are able to manage a half table, please do so.

Email with your request to take part,
or for inquiries call 0300 777 8880.

Our thanks go to everyone who has supported us and taken part in previous events.  With the feedback we have received, a lot of people have gained from the wonderful care, help and support you have given them.  We need your help to do the same again for even more people.

Carers Information Day – Monday 9th October 2023